Maximizing Engagement: Tips for Hosting Successful B2B Marketing Webinars   

B2B marketing webinars can be incredibly important for growth and sales, whether it be on the day of the event or nurturing for later on down the line. However, if your content isn’t engaging, then it’ll be a wasted opportunity. Which begs the question: How can you maximise engagement for B2B marketing webinars? Well, we have a few handy hints and tips.  

Lead Time  

To start with, and it may seem obvious, but to engage you need people to engage with. This means that you will need to give people the opportunity to be prepared for your B2B marketing webinar by giving them plenty of time to sign up for it. After all, if the people you want to appeal to are already busy then there will be no one to engage with. Think ahead and give people time to prepare to be available. 

Multi-Channel Marketing  

If you want to engage better with your B2B marketing webinar, then you’ll need to reach out far and wide to attract an audience.  

Don’t sell yourself short or just target your most popular social media channel, make sure that you go through the process of multi-channel marketing to ensure that you’ve reached out to the places where your target audience hang out. This is important as the content of one webinar may appeal better to LinkedIn than another which drives users from Twitter. We’ve seen as many as 5 times the number of people sign up when we took a client’s webinar marketing from single channel to multi-channel. 

Make The Recording Available For All Afterwards 

Life can be busy. Whether it’s something that was planned long in advance or a spur-of-the-moment emergency, life can get in the way and people can miss your B2B marketing webinar.  

To make sure that no one misses out, make sure that you record your B2B marketing webinar, this means that no one misses out, even if they can’t make the live recording. It will also provide you with some evergreen content that you can potentially use in multiple ways moving forward. 

Test Your Tech Ahead Of Time   

You may be comfortable with technology and how it works but you need to make sure that everything works smoothly.  

There is nothing worse for the audience than awkwardly waiting while the presenter tries to fix whatever has gone wrong. Don’t be that person. Instead, no matter how confident you are, make sure you test the technology you’re using ahead of time, no matter how simple it is. It is better to over-prepare than to do nothing and look unprofessional. Test your tech and avoid amateur errors with ease. 

Prepare Your Own Q&A … Just In Case There Aren’t Any  

Question and answer sessions at the end of a B2B marketing webinar are great because they can add context and specific solutions that help not just the person asking but also others. However, there is a chance that you may not have any questions.  This may be down to something as simple as people being too shy to ask them!  

Prevent awkward Q&A silence and encourage more questions by having some prepared to start the ball rolling. You’ll make your B2B marketing webinar seem more engaging with audience participation, but you also may encourage others to ask their own question.  

Focus On An Audience Pain Point  

You need to remember that people are coming to watch your B2B marketing webinar to find a solution to a specific problem. Encourage engagement by focusing on what your audience wants – a solution to their pain point.  

Make sure you consider what pain points your viewers are encountering on a day-to-day basis, as they will be looking to connect with the content of your webinar that helps them to find a solution to their specific issues. Being able to connect with the viewers’ pain points will allow you to engage better, as you may have the solution to all their problems.  

Looking For More B2B Marketing Webinars Help? 

Knowing how to engage is an art form in itself, especially when it comes to B2B marketing webinars. You have a limited amount of time to make an impression, so why not lean on experts when it comes to creating content that engages, inspires and delivers. At Genius and we can be the guiding hand you need to maximise engagement that delivers a great return and a successful B2B marketing webinar and so much more. Get in touch and find out what’s possible today or why not register for our upcoming webinar, “Benchmarking workshop: How strong is your B2B brand?.” Register for free here.