The Role of a B2B Technology Marketing Agency in Driving Business Growth  

What does growth mean for your business? Bigger revenues, easier investment or knowing that you’re connecting more people with technology that can improve their lives and, in some cases, change the world for the better?  

Whatever your reason for wanting growth, to reach your maximum potential, you need a B2B tech marketing agency that can help you to drive growth and connect the dots between what you’re good at and your customers.  

To sell your products and services you need to turn customer consideration into an action that sees them engage and purchase – but to achieve that, you need to translate your complex tech products into a language that your customers can buy into. You need an emotional response that triggers a purchase. This is something that a great B2B tech marketing agency can do for you to drive you towards growth.  

Translating Tech So Everyone Understands  

You’re really smart with what you do, there’s no doubt about that. You know how to solve complicated problems with simple coding, algorithms or other technical know-how that the average person on the street just can’t comprehend. And that’s the problem. They can’t comprehend it.  

Your customers didn’t go to school for years to learn the language of tech or study in their spare hours to create mini-tech miracles through trial and error. You did. So, you need to make sure all your hard work and tech know-how can be simplified in an easy-to-understand way that allows your potential customers to see how it works, what it will do for them and why it will make their life so much better.  

Turning Complex into Comprehensible for Your Customers   

The best B2B tech marketing agencies understand that tech ideas need to be simplified into something more comprehensible for the average person to grasp.  

For example, if you’re selling a piece of software that allows customers to be more efficient with how their clients make payments, you don’t need to tell them about the integral details behind the software. You need to inform them that you have the tools and know-how to make their clients happier with a payment service that is quick, simple and just works.  

If a company has had payment trouble that is impacting their own customers’ experience with them, it will be music to their ears. A great B2B tech marketing agency can provide the right message, one that is emotive and solves the pain for your customers. Your customers don’t need to know about the tech in detail, they just need to know that it works for them.  

Your Customers’ Journey – Awareness, Consideration, Purchase  

You have a solution that can help people and businesses with their lives, making things easier and more efficient. But how can you bridge the gap and turn general interest into a purchase?   

We know the market and understand that for your customer to buy into your product or service that you’re offering, you need to trigger an emotional and logical response to justify the purchase. It’s not easy to do that if you don’t know how. But turning your incredibly complicated-to-build but easy-to-use product from awareness to consideration and finally into a purchasing decision for customers, is a road where we have helped other technology firms with before.  

How Genius Can Translate Tech and Transform It into Turnover  

With Genius, you’ll be in safe hands.   

For your technology, we’re the translation device you need. We’ve worked with many businesses in the tech industry and as a great B2B tech marketing agency, we turn techie talk into a human story that sells. We’ve got a track record that shows we will understand your product quickly and then get to work, connecting it with the people you’re looking to sell to.  

Turn your clever tech products and services into simple to understand relatable packages, that lets customers know how they’ll benefit straight away. We provide what you expect from a B2B tech marketing agency and engage with your customers by turning curiosity and consideration into a purchasing decision. Why not get in touch for a chat about what we could do for you!